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Let's shape the future together

We are the New Zealand Crypto Association, a passionate community of students from different schools around New Zealand. Sign up for our newsletter and stay updated on exciting events and opportunities.

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Our mission

Our mission is to promote and support the adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies in New Zealand. We believe these emerging technologies have the potential to change the way we do life, interact with each other, and create new opportunities for innovation and growth.


We are committed to providing a platform for education, collaboration and advocacy that empowers individuals and organisations to engage in this rapidly evolving space. Our goal is to enable the full potential of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology to be realised in New Zealand and beyond.


Our story

The NZ Cryptocurrency Association was founded in 2020 by a group of passionate students who recognized the potential of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology to transform the way we think about finance, business, and society.


As students, they saw an opportunity to leverage their skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm to create a platform for education, collaboration, and advocacy that would empower others to join the growing cryptocurrency community.



Explore the world of crypto and discover emerging leaders and figures with our weekly newsletter updates. Dive into insightful readings that unravel the mysteries of the crypto landscape. Don't miss out! Check out our newsletter today!

New Zealand
Crypto Association

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© NZCA, 2024

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